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Bio-Sil | Water Purification Drops and Activator

6 in stock

R239.20 Inclusive VAT

Water Purifier Drops
(2 x 30ml bottles)
Also known as MMS (Master Mineral Solution)
A little goes a long way as sometimes you are only activating one single drop at a time !

For you and please do remember also, your pets – all of them.  They also deserve clean water!

For your special house plants too:


Contents of Water Purifier Kit:
The kit contains two bottles (You only need a small number of DROPS to activate the solution).
Instructions accompany the product.
Water purification drops – are also known as MMS (Master Mineral Solution from Jim Humble) or
Chlorine Dioxide ClO2 (not chlorine ‘Cl’ used as a cleaning product), once activated
Please see below **


This is a quick means of purifying water for the whole family, including pets and plants
Just a few drops at a time.
It has these added benefits:  anti-bacterial / anti-viral properties
and is safe for everyone


Water purification:
Purification of drinking water for you and your pets
Ref:  Jim Humble’s book : MMS Health Recovery Guidebook):


Water purification:
To treat plain clear water that you feel should be purified to kill disease pathogens, such as tap water from your faucet, I suggest adding 8 drops of activated MMS  per gallon of water (or 4 liters/4 quarts).
Count 30 seconds for the drops to activate then put the mixture into a gallon of water. Mix thoroughly, cover and wait for at least one hour before use.
Keep in mind MMS does not kill the chlorine or the fluoride in your water but it will kill diseases.

For smaller quantities of water, use less drops

For 1 quart (or liter) use 2 drops of activated MMS.
Turpid (cloudy) water requires more MMS. If you have a slight bit of turbidity, use 12 drops of activated MMS per gallon. A higher amount of turbidity requires higher amounts of MMS. Use 12 to 24 of MMS drops or even more drops for river water. This is something you will have to evaluate and do your best to get it right. In this case, it is always best to err on the side of too many drops than not enough. A slightly bad taste resulting from the MMS (if you have to go higher) will not hurt you!

Important Points to Know Before You Begin

Never ever use anything metal when mixing or storing or using these drops.
This solution should never touch metal. Don’t stir with a metal spoon, or use metal bowls to mix, or metal containers to store—this includes stainless steel.
Storage containers/bottles for MMS should have plastic lids, not metal, as the sodium chlorite will eventually eat through and corrode the metal.
The metal can eat into the lid and it then starts dropping down in to your MMS. This will give you metal in your MMS which is poisonous and you don’t want that!
So use plastic lids. Be careful about this point, no metal with MMS sodium chlorite solution, either for mixing or for storing


 Further information:
Please visit this link : http://mmsinfo.org/

Hamilton residents rated their water far higher than residents of any other municipality participating in The NCSTM this year.
“I am not surprised” said Jacob Stone of the City of Hamilton and three year resident. “We have won multiple awards for our tap water.”




What a remarkable product! Daughter aged 3 came down with tick bite fever and coincidently came down with chicken pox at the same time. Fever of 38 degrees turned around and temp. normalised back to 36.5 within the hour of taking 5 drops solution MMS in 120 ml of water.

Not being one to see a doctor too quickly – MMS is my first go to for any issues ranging from stomach bugs, flu, tooth aches, gum problems and so many more… I have also passed on to a friend who is now rid of years of suffering with stomach ulcers – turn around in 2 weeks – she has never had any issues again.

Ever so grateful to be “in the know” about this product, always in my “medicine cupboard” I make sure the family is never with out.



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