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Feelgood Pets | AllergiClear Pets (60 vegan capsules)

2 in stock

R435.02 Inclusive VAT


AllergiClear Pets contains the following natural ingredients in a vegan friendly capsule:

Quercitin, Euphrasia officials (Eyebright), Silica (6C ,) Nat. Mur. (D6), Kali Mur. (D6), Calc Fluor (6C), Calc Phos (6C)

Directions for use

AllergiClear Pets comes in convenient capsule form. The capsules may be opened and mixed with food if desired for easy administration.


Capsules may be given whole or opened and mixed with wet food.

Cats and small dogs: Half capsule twice a day
Medium dogs: 1 capsule twice daily
Large dogs: 1-2 capsule twice daily

Not recommended during pregnancy and nursing. Not to be used by animals with surgical implants.

NOTE: Use AllergiClear Pets along with Allergy Itch-Ease to provide soothing relief for your pets and stop the constant desire to scratch.

Disclaimer: This medicine has not been evaluated by the Medicines Control Council. This medicine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness. Please consult your veterinarian if symptoms persist. 

Please Note Direct Bank Transfer/EFT Clients: Your Orders will only be dispatched once payment reflects in our bank account. Please work this delay into your ordering schedule. For immediate dispatch, Use the Debit/Credit Cards/Instant EFT Option Dismiss

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